DPR 21-001 Citrus/Bee Protection Areas

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DPR 21-001 Citrus/Bee Protection Areas (Noticed 4/16/21; Comment period closed 6/2/21)

DPR amended Title 3, California Code of Regulations sections 6650, 6651, 6652, 6654, and 6656, and renumbered those sections to 6980, 6981, 6982, 6983, and 6984; and repealed section 6655. This action updates notification procedures for apiary operators who wish to receive advance notification of pesticide applications and for pesticide applicators who intend to apply pesticides labeled toxic to bees. The action also repeals the notification service and fees in the counties of Butte, Glenn, and Tehama. Additionally, this action updates requirements during the citrus bloom period within a citrus/bee protection area.