
Back to Reevaluation Program

Reevaluation Status: Complete

Image of apiary training sponsored by DPR, Parlier, CA. June 2014

 Apiary training sponsored by DPR,
Parlier, CA June 2014

Neonicotinoid Reevaluation Background and Progress Towards Protecting Pollinator Health

In 2009, The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) initiated a reevaluation of certain pesticide products containing the nitroguanidine-substituted neonicotinoid active ingredients, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and dinotefuran. The reevaluation was based on imidacloprid adverse effects data. These studies indicated a possible hazard to pollinators with two findings: high levels of imidacloprid residue in leaves and blossoms of treated plants and increases in residue levels over time. Thiamethoxam, dinotefuran, and clothianidin are in the same chemical family as imidacloprid, known as the nitroguanidine insecticide class of neonicotinoids, and have similar properties and characteristics.

DPR required comprehensive pollinator data as a part of its reevaluation. Registrants submitted numerous studies, which DPR evaluated to identify risks to pollinators. In July 2018, DPR published the California Neonicotinoid Risk Determination. On January 2019, DPR published an Addendum to the July 2018 California Neonicotinoid Risk Determination after receiving additional information and in an effort to report the most accurate information possible.

As a result of the reevaluation, which included issuance of a Neonicotinoid Risk Determination, DPR determined that additional mitigation measures are needed to protect pollinators from the use of neonicotinoids in agricultural crops. DPR developed regulations to implement necessary mitigation measure by limiting the agricultural uses of neonicotinoids.

Regulations and Additional Information

DPR adopted sections 6990 through 6990.16 of Title 3, California Code of Regulations as control measures necessary to protect pollinator health. The regulations affect food and feed use production agricultural applications of pesticide products containing the nitroguanidine-substituted neonicotinoid active ingredients, clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam. The control measures consist of application method and rate restrictions, application timing restrictions, and seasonal application rate caps for the four neonicotinoid active ingredients and are specific based on crop group.

The regulations went into effect on January 1, 2024.

All documents associated with the rulemaking are available on the Webpage titled DPR 22-001 Neonicotinoid Pesticide Exposure Protection.

Additionally, DPR recently developed a new neonicotinoid enforcement outreach webpage with helpful flyers and PowerPoint presentations. This webpage can be found here: Neonicotinoid Regulations to Protect Pollinators.

Other Information and Proactive Actions to Protect Pollinator Health

For content questions, contact:
Taylor Whitehill
1001 I Street, P. O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-2885