Department of Pesticide Regulation

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April 29, 2004   ENF 2004-007
County Agricultural Commissioners  



The Department of Pesticide Regulation's Enforcement branch and the Office of Legal Affairs developed a "quick reference ruler" during their research activities related to revision of the Hearing Officer Sourcebook. The ruler describes the basic rules for the Agricultural and Structural Civil Penalty programs, authorized by Food and Agricultural Code section 12999.5 and Business and Profession Code section 8617. One side of the ruler is specific to agricultural; the other is specific to structural.

We are providing a supply of rulers to each county based upon the number of pesticide use enforcement-licensed staff. There will be a few extras with your shipments. We distributed rulers and a side-by-side paper version of the rulers to all attendees of the 2004 Structural Pest Control Enforcement Symposium.

This tool is geared specifically to you and your staff. We do not have enough to be able to provide them to the public or regulated industry, although there is no harm in sharing the information. We do have a small supply of rulers.

If you have any questions or need a few more rulers, please contact your Enforcement branch liaison.

Original Signature by:
Roy Rutz, Agriculture Program Supervisor III
Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100


cc:  Ms. Polly Frenkel, DPR Staff Counsel (w/o Enclosure)
      Ms. Mona Montano, DPR Program Specialist (w/o Enclosure)

1001 I Street  ·   P.O. Box 4015  ·  Sacramento, California 95812-4015  ·
A Department of the California Environmental Protection Agency