Regulations Under Development

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For complex regulations, DPR may work informally over several months with interested parties to flesh out regulatory concepts and draft text well before the start of formal rulemaking. Typically, program staff requests written comment by posting documents on DPR's Web site and sending out letters and e-mail inviting participation. Sometimes, DPR holds workshops to widen opportunities for public participation.

This informal, interactive process allows people to express their ideas and concerns for DPR staff to consider and incorporate as they develop rulemaking documents. DPR does not always respond in writing to comments made in these informal discussions (referred to by the State Office of Administrative Law as pre-notice involvement).

As a regulation is developed, there may be several versions, each reflecting changes suggested during the informal reviews. After consideration of comments, DPR may formally propose the regulation. Alternatively, the Department may choose to put the concept on hold and discuss internally different approaches to the subject area.

For content questions, contact:
Lauren Otani, Environmental Scientist
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, California 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-5781