Mill Assessment Office

About the Mill Assessment

California assesses a fee on all pesticide sales at the point of first sale into the state. A "mill" is equal to one-tenth of a cent. This assessment is 21 mills, or 2.1 cents per dollar of sales. Revenues support the state’s pesticide regulatory program. The mill assessment program is a self-assessment system. Each quarter, DPR mails reporting forms to pesticide registrants, licensed pest control dealers, and licensed pesticide brokers. Completed forms are due to DPR within 30 days of the end of the quarter.

Pesticide registrants, pest control dealers, and pesticide brokers who first sell a pesticide into or within California must report sales and pay mill assessment fees.

On July 2, 2024, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2113 (Statutes of 2024, Chapter 60) which, among other things, amended Food & Agricultural Code section 12841, subdivision (f)(1) to increase the mill assessment to be paid for all sales of pesticides for use in the state as specified below. The increase to the mill assessment is effective as of July 2, 2024, and will be applied to Q3 2024 mill reporting.

(A) From July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, inclusive, the rate shall be 24.5 mills ($0.0245) per dollar sales of all sales of registered pesticides for use in this state plus any additional assessment authorized by Section 12841.1.
(B) From July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, inclusive, the rate shall be 27 mills ($0.027) per dollar sales of all sales of registered pesticides for use in this state plus any additional assessment authorized by Section 12841.1.
(C) From July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027, inclusive, the rate shall be 29 mills ($0.029) per dollar sales of all sales of registered pesticides for use in this state plus any additional assessment authorized by Section 12841.1.
(D) On and after July 1, 2027, the rate shall be 30 mills ($0.030) per dollar sales of all sales of registered pesticides for use in this state plus any additional assessment authorized by Section 12841.1.


The increased mill assessment of 24.5 mills ($0.0245) per dollar sales is effective for Q3 2024 starting July 2, 2024 (i.e., increased mill fees will be applied starting with Q3 2024 mill reporting, which is due on October 31, 2024). Sales made prior to the effective date will be subject to the previous mill assessment amount. Subsequent mill increases provided by AB 2113 will be effective Q3 of each consecutive year through 2027. The mill forms and online system will reflect the increased mill for Q3 each year. DPR will also send annual reminder notices. If you have any questions, please contact Mill at

Currently, the additional Agricultural and Dual Use fee is still .00075, we will provide notice if this amount increases.

Contact to request blank mill forms.

For content questions, contact:
Mill Assessment Office
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95814-4015
Phone: 916-445-4159

For pesticide-related complaints, please call the Enforcement Branch, Product Compliance Unit at (916) 324-4100, or e-mail to: