Resource Hub for Local Engagement

Promoting Community Member and Agricultural Commissioner Engagement

En Español

Welcome to the Resource Hub for Local Engagement (Resource Hub), a collection of resources and tools to facilitate understanding and enhance engagement between County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) and community members. CACs are the enforcement partners of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), enforcing pesticide laws and regulations at the local level. Enhanced community engagement will help CACs continue to protect workers, the general public, and the environment from pesticide harms (for example, through pesticide incident investigations). Enhanced engagement with local pesticide regulators will help community members better understand pesticide use requirements and how to report incidents and concerns promptly and effectively.

The Resource Hub serves as a centralized repository of information and resources for use by community members, CAC staff, and the public. These tools are intended to support the ongoing efforts of CAC offices and community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide accurate and transparent information and promote community engagement with county and state regulators. The Resource Hub will be continuously updated as new documents and materials become available.

To provide and develop these materials, the CAC-Community Engagement Framework Group began meeting in July 2022, with support from DPR and facilitation from the UC Davis Center for Regional Change. The intent of this group is to support Agricultural Commissioners and local communities to have conversations, listen, and collaborate with each other. The group includes 12 members from community-based, CAC, and government organizations, bringing different backgrounds and experiences from across California.

Engaging with communities and stakeholders is critical to DPR’s mission and efforts to protect human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use across the state.

  Tools for CAC-Community Meetings

  Tools for Reporting Pesticide Problems

If you suspect a pesticide is being used improperly, notify your County Agricultural Commissioner’s office as soon as possible. You can find their phone number in this pdf, (En Español, PDF) or in the county government section of your phone book white pages, or call toll-free 1-87PestLine [(877) 378-5463]. Communicate with your CAC Office, PDF in the language you prefer (In Punjabi, PDF) (En Español, PDF) (In Hmong, PDF) (In Traditional Chinese, PDF) (In Korean, PDF).

  Farmworker Resources

  Tools for Language Access

  Learn about Pesticide Regulation in CA

  Media Resources

  Goal #1: Improve Relationships

Creating and improving CAC-community relationships to have conversations and listen to each other, finding ways to improve communication related to the shared value of protecting public health, worker health, and the environment.

  Goal #2: Identify Community Collaboration Best Practices

Identifying best practices to engage with, educate, outreach to, and learn from the community, including collaborating with local community-based organizations.

  Goal #3: Enhance Awareness of CAC Roles

Communicating to and with communities on CACs’ roles and responsibilities, as well as their authority and programs (e.g., pesticide regulation enforcement, weights, measures).

  Goal #4: Ensure Broad Understanding

Continuing to build upon language access (e.g., voicemail messages, website description of pesticide complaint processes, capacity to promptly respond to inquiries available in English, Spanish and other languages predominantly spoken in each county) and making technical information more understandable (e.g., through visuals) so that community members and CACs can effectively communicate on pesticide enforcement, outreach, and education, as well as the range of CAC and DPR activities.

  Goal #5: Provide Tools and Trainings

Fostering mutual understanding and establishing expectations between CACs and community members through a compilation of community engagement tools and practices, acquired in part through expanded trainings and an effort to utilize trainings going forward.

This Resource Hub serves as a centralized repository of information and resources for use by community members, CAC staff, and the public. The intent is for these materials to serve as a reference that can be added to current outreach and engagement practices. Some materials are meant to be adaptive and may be continually updated. New documents and materials will also be added to the Resource Hub as they become available.

Currently you can find tools for CAC-Community meetings, tools for reporting pesticide problems, farmworker resources, tools for language access, information about pesticide regulation in California, and media resources. The Resource Hub was last updated in May 2024.